- Advances in Materials Theory for Multiscale Modeling
- Challenges in the Multiscale Modelling of Radiation Effects in Nuclear Materials
- Crystal Plasticity: From Electrons to Dislocation Microstructure
- Data-Driven and Physics-Informed Materials Discovery and Design
- Deformation and Fracture Mechanism of Materials
- From Microstructure to Properties: Mechanisms, Microstructure, Manufacturing
- Modeling Mechanical Behavior of Materials under Harsh Environments
- Multiscale Mechanics of Polymers, Soft Matter and Network Materials
- Multiscale Modeling of Grain Boundary Dynamics, Grain Growth and Polycrystal Plasticity
- Multiscale Modeling of Heterogeneous Layered Media
- Multiscale Simulations of Catastrophic Phenomena: Toward Bridging between Materials Fracture and Earthquake
- Structure, Statistics and Mechanics in Crystal Dislocation Plasticity
- Time- and History-Dependent Material Properties
- Towards Experimentally Relevant Time Scales: Methods for Extending Atomistic Simulation Times and Their Applications in Material Science
- Tribology and Interface: Multi-Scale, Multi-Physics, and Multi-Chemistry Phenomena in Friction, Lubrication, Wear, and Adhesion