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O - Tribology and Interface: Multi-Scale, Multi-Physics, and Multi-Chemistry Phenomena in Friction, Lubrication, Wear, and Adhesion


Momoji Kubo
(Tohoku University, Japan)
Hitoshi Washizu
(University of Hyogo, Japan)
Lars Pastewka
(University of Freiburg, Germany)
Izabela Szlufarska
(University of Wisconsin, USA)


Tribology and interface mechanics are key issues for such industries as automotive, aircraft, spacecraft, power plant, electronics, mechanical tool manufacturers, etc. For example, ultra-low friction is strongly desired for realizing the goal of low carbon society, which reduces the energy consumption and low carbon dioxide emission. Moreover, green tribology such as oil-free lubrication, low emission and long life-time of materials, and low environmental impact, are also desirable for realizing sustainable society. However, it is still challenging to control the tribology and interface mechanics because these are very complex phenomena and their underlying mechanisms are not well understood. The first difficulty is their multi-scale properties; for example, the atomic-interactions significantly affect the macro-scale phenomena of friction, lubrication, wear and adhesion. Furthermore, tribochemical reactions at atomic-scale change the macro-scale properties and performance of materials. The second difficulty is the multi-physics and multi-chemistry nature of tribological phenomena. For example, friction, load, stress, diffusion, intrusion, adsorption, etc. are entangled in the friction, lubrication, wear and adhesion processes. Additionally, tribochemical reactions can also be strongly coupled to the above multi-physics processes. Therefore, the multi-scale, multi-physics, and multi-chemistry approaches are necessary in order to discover mechanisms controlling tribology and interface mechanics and to realize the efficient and effective control of these processes. In this symposium, we aim to discuss how to construct the model, theory, and simulation methods for realizing the multi-scale, multi-physics, and multi-chemistry approaches for the tribology and interface mechanics. We invite talks on research for each scale and each physics/chemistry in addition to research on multi-scale, multi-physics, and multi-chemistry approaches. We welcome all researchers working on first-principles calculation, molecular dynamics, meso-scale modeling, continuum mechanics, etc. for tribology and interface in each individual scale, physics, and chemistry. Furthermore, we also encourage experimental researchers who work on tribology and interface, because comparing and contrasting between experiments and simulations stimulates the discussion on the future direction and development for tribology and interface simulations.

Specific topics of interest include, but are not limited to:
- Friction, surface mechanics, and interface mechanics
- Gas, liquid and solid lubrication and role of lubricants and additives
- Adhesive, abrasive, fatigue, fretting, erosive, and corrosive wear
- Mechanical, chemical, and diffusive adhesion
- Tribochemical reactions and mechanochemistry
- Formation of surface layers and structural change of surface by tribology processes
- Influence of surface roughness on tribological and interface mechanics phenomena
- Multi-scale phenomena of tribology and interface mechanics processes
- Coupling approach of quantum, atomistic, meso, and continuum scales
- Multi-physics and multi-chemistry of complicated and entangled tribology processes
- Collaboration of simulations and experiments for understanding of multi-scale, multi-physics and multi-chemistry tribology phenomena

Invited speakers

  • "Atomistic Simulations that Reach Anthropological Timescale and Beyond"
  • By Ju Li, MIT, USA
  • "Molecular simulation to better understand soot-detergent interactions in engine oils"
  • By Sophie Loehle, TOTAL, France
  • "Combined experimental and computational study on the superlubricity mechanism of 2D Materials at the microscale"
  • By Tianbao Ma, Tsinghua University, China
  • "On the formation of superlubricious layers during boundary lubrication of diamond and diamond-like carbon"
  • By Michael Moseler, Fraunhofer Institute, Germany
  • "Toward Exascale Atomistic Simulations of Interfaces"
  • By Aiichiro Nakano, University of Southern California, USA
  • "Modeling the plastic deformation of a metal crystal induced by contact with a rough rigid surface"
  • By Lucia Nicola, Delft University of Technology, The Netherlands
  • "Scale Dependence of Friction: How Elasticity Destroys Superlubricity"
  • By Mark Robbins, Johns Hopkins University, USA