G - Modeling Mechanical Behavior of Materials under Harsh Environments
- Keonwook Kang
- (Yonsei University, Korea)
- Akiyuki Takahashi
- (Tokyo University of Science, Japan)
- Seunghwa Ryu
- (KAIST, Korea)
- Byeongchan Lee
- (Kyeong Hee University, Korea)
In a harsh environment such as outer-space or nuclear fission/fusion plant, materials are exposed to shock/thermal loading or irradiation. Materials exposed to these extreme conditions are susceptible to deterioration and their mechanical properties are adversely affected by internal microstructure change. Understanding deformation mechanism of these materials is a fundamental knowledge that can be used to prevent or retard material deterioration and at the same time to maximize mechanical properties and hence to extend working lifetime via appropriate material design. This kind of knowledge is also important in that the potential applications cover material processing such as sever plastic deformation, surface modification using laser shock and non-destructive material inspection using radiography. The topics of this symposium include but are not limited to:
- Material modeling of deterioration, mechanical property change and deformation mechanisms due to irradiation
- Modeling of high strain rate deformation process due to shock or mechanical loading
- Development of novel multi-scale simulation methods for material modeling in harsh environment
Invited speakers
- "Metallic materials under extreme pressure: Interplay of plasticity and phase transitions"
- By Nina Gunkelmann, Clausthal University of Technology
- "A systematic method to develop a potential model for harsh environments"
- By Takuji Oda, Seoul National University
- "Simulations on severely transient FSI problems associated with shock compression of matters in extreme conditions"
- By Jai-ick Yoh, Seoul National University