M - Time- and History-Dependent Material Properties
- Thomas Voigtmann
- (German Aerospace Center, Germany)
Many materials, especially those produced from the melt and prominently soft-matter materials, display a wide range of properties that depend on the processing history. History dependence typically enters through quenches in the manufacturing process (for example the freezing in of stresses due to slow internal relaxation, or during additive manufacturing). These memory effects also give a handle to obtain controllable time-dependent material properties and thus to design functional materials for a wide range of applications such as energy storage and conversion, wearable sensors and many others. There is ample empirical knowledge how to do this, but a fundamental understanding of the microscopic processes behind such empirical laws is still lacking. Our aim is to bring together researchers from theoretical and computational physics and from the engineering sciences, focusing on out-of-equilibrium, mechanical nonlinear response of materials, the development of new coarse-graining schemes for multi-scale techniques addressing these issues, and on novel experimental techniques to provide information on the relevant microscopic processes.
Abstracts are for example invited for the following topics:
- Influence of non-equilibrium processes in solidification.
- Frozen-in stresses in amorphous materials, soft-matter systems, polymers, polymeric films, etc.
- Theoretical and numerical methods for multi-scale modeling of memory effects in matter.
- Time-dependent nonlinear rheology.
- Applications of materials with history- and/or time-dependent material properties.
Invited speakers
- "Heterogeneous thermal properties in a glass from molecular dynamics calculations"
- By Jean-Louis Barrat, University of Grenoble, France.
- "Time-dependent active microrheology in dilute colloidal suspensions"
- By Thomas Franosch, University of Innsbruck, Austria
- "Mechanical behavior and emerging morphologies in active matter"
- By Ignacio Pagonabarraga, University of Barcelona, Spain
- "Yielding, annealing, and memory in cyclically deformed glasses"
- By Srikanth Sastry, J Nehru Centre for Advanced Scientific Research, India
- "Structure-property Relations in Sheared Dense Flocculated Suspensions"
- By Jan Vermant, ETH Zürich, Switzerland