E - Deformation and Fracture Mechanism of Materials
- Dongsheng Xu
- (Institute of Metal Research, Chinese Academy of Sciences, China)
- Alexander Hartmaier
- (Ruhr University Bochum, Germany)
- Ting Zhu
- (Georgia Institute of Technology, USA)
- Irene Beyerlein
- (UC Santa Barbara, USA)
- Fionn Dunne
- (Imperial College London, UK)
Provide a platform for the materials community to present recent advances in computational studies on mechanical behavior of materials, especially of metals and alloys, on different length or time scales. Invited and contributed talks as well as poster sessions will be arranged to cover new developments on computational methods and their applications to different kinds of materials. The symposium intends to promote the shifting of materials research toward MGI and ICME paradigm, with a view of accelerating the design and application, and reducing the cost of developing new materials, by integrating multi-scale modeling and simulation with experimental efforts. A particular focus will be put on the trends in data driven materials research and digitalization of materials, and a joint session will be arranged together with symposium K: Multiscale Simulations of Catastrophic Phenomena: Toward Bridging between Materials Fracture and Earthquake.
Contributions are welcome on, but not limited to the following topics:
- First principles prediction of the fundamental properties of alloys, high-throughput evaluation of the effects of alloying elements and impurities, intelligent data management
- Atomistic simulation of dynamic process, such as deformation, defects formation and interaction, their effects on the mechanical behavior of materials, including strength, ductility, fatigue, fracture, creep, wear and corrosion
- Simulation of coupling between deformation and phase transformations and microstructural evolution during thermo and thermo- mechanical treatment, defects and distortion prediction, microstructure digitalization and process optimization
- Nucleation, growth and interaction of dislocation, deformation twin, and point defects formation, their effects on the properties of materials, such as strength, ductility, electrical, optical and magnetic behavior of materials
- Structure, stability and migration of grain boundaries and other interfaces during deformation and phase transformation, application to grain-boundary-engineering
- Hardening, degradation and phase transformation driven by radiation, electrochemical, oxidation, corrosion and mechanical force
- Homogenization methods for micromechanical models, including application of machine learning algorithms
Invited speakers
- "3D Aspects of Fracture in Crack – Obstacle Interactions and Effects of Crack Front Curvature"
- By Erik Bitzek, FAU Erlangen-Nurember, Germany
- "Mechanism of Enhanced Ductility in Mg Alloys"
- By William Curtin, EPFL, Switzerland
- "3D mesoscopic study of the stability of three-dimensional short cracks in FCC metals using the Discrete-Continuous Model"
- By Benoit Devincre, LEM, CNRS-ONERA, France
- "Interaction of screw dislocations with interfaces during multiaxial loading: large scale 3D simulations"
- By Maxime Dupraz, PEM-LSC-PSD, Paul Scherrer Institute, Switzerland
- By Christoph Eberl, FhI Freiburg, Germany
- "The activation parameters for dislocation nucleation in molybdenum nanoparticles under compression"
- By Dan Mordehai, Mechanical Engineering, Technion, Israel
- "Use of FFT-based micromechanical modeling for analysis of synchrotron-based diffraction experiments"
- By Anthony Rollett, Carnegie Mellon University, USA
- "Thermodynamically consistent directional distortional hardening of wrought Mg alloys: experimental investigation and constitutive modeling"
- By Baodong Shi, School of Mechanical Engineering, Yanshan Univ., China
- "Role of cracks, voids and interfaces in hot spot formation and initiation of energetic materials"
- By Alejandro Strachan, School of Materials Engineering, Purdue University, USA
- "The motion of a single dislocation from molecular dynamics simulations and its physical interpretation"
- By Yujie Wei, Institute of Mechanics, Chinese Academy of Sciences, China