B - Challenges in the Multiscale Modelling of Radiation Effects in Nuclear Materials
- Marjorie Bertolus
- (CEA, France)
- Lorenzo Malerba
- (CIEMAT, Energy, Environment and Technology Research Centre, Spain)
- Lelio Luzzi
- (Polimi, Italy)
- Jaime Marian
components, such as a reactor vessel or a fuel pin, evolve under irradiation. In order to be able to describe reliably the behaviour of nuclear materials under irradiation beyond empiricism, it is therefore necessary to understand the relevant physical mechanisms and develop models for nuclear reactions (activation, transmutation, etc.…), atomic-level processes (cascades of atomic displacements, diffusion of chemical species and of defects, etc.…), nano- and micro-scale processes (development of nanostructural features such as dislocation loops, segregation of chemical species that change locally the property of the material leading for instance to localized corrosion), mesoscale processes (movement of dislocations that govern plastic deformation, or changes in grain boundary behaviour, etc.), and finally macro-scale processes (crystal plasticity applied to aggregates of grains, or continuum thermo-mechanical calculations of stress and strain distributions in a component, etc.)
This symposium is therefore dedicated to the modelling from the atomic to the macroscopic scales of the behaviour of nuclear materials under irradiation: structural metallic materials, structural ceramics and fuel materials. Special emphasis will be given to the mesoscopic scale and on the transfer of information from scale to scale (length and time). The synergy with state-of-the art experimental techniques will also be addressed.
Topics of interest include:
- Atomic scale modelling of static and dynamic properties of defects and solutes in materials, of alloy materials
- Atomistic simulation of nano and microstructural evolution (dislocations, grain boundaries, cavities, precipitates), as well as swelling and creep
- Kinetic Monte Carlo and rate theory cluster dynamics methods, dislocation dynamics methods, phase field modeling applied to radiation damage, and any other the describes the evolution of materials under irradiation
- Continuum mechanics simulations including crystal plasticity and larger scale methods, especially if they include radiation effects in direct or indirect ways
- Methods enabling to link processes occurring at different time and length scales
- Experimental techniques that can be combined with multiscale modelling methods to improve the description of materials under irradiation and results of modelling-oriented experiments, especially involving radiation effects
Invited speakers
- "In-situ TEM of Formation Processes of Defects in Tungsten under Irradiation: Comparison between Electron and Self-ion Irradiations"
- By Kazuto Arakawa, Shimane University, Japan
- "Atomic scale calculations of nuclear fuel properties to sustain multiscale modeling of fuel behavior"
- By Emeric Bourasseau, CEA, France
- "Thermal properties of fluorite-type metal dioxides: CeO2, ThO2, UO2, NpO2, PuO2 and AmO2"
- By Masato Kato, JAEA, Japan
- "Formation of radiation-induced Re and Os precipitation in W and its effects on mechanical properties"
- By Guang-Hong Lu, Beihang University, China
- "Kinetics of Precipitation in Fe-Cr and Fe-Cr-C alloys under Irradiation"
- By Frédéric Soisson, CEA, France
- "Why Multiscale Modeling of Nuclear Fuel is Absolutely Essential and Why it is so Challenging"
- By Michel Tonks, University of Florida, USA
- "Ion Irradiation as a Surrogate for Reactor Irradiation: The Expected and the Surprises"
- By Gary Was, University of Michigan, USA