J - Multiscale Modeling of Heterogeneous Layered Media
- Jinghong Fan
- (Alfred University, USA)
- Ramesh Talreja
- (Texas A&M University, USA)
Layered media with heterogeneous layers occur in nature as optimized structures for specific performance. Examples are wood, bones and soft tissues, nacre and clays. Inspired by nature, engineers have created a range of layered materials such as composite laminates with fiber reinforced layers of polymers, metals and ceramics, metal-intermetallic layered composites, layered oxides for batteries, etc. When subjected to mechanical and non-mechanical impulses, these material systems respond by integrating the micro-level responses at generally multiple length scales. The hierarchy of length scales is determined by the morphology of the microstructure within the layers and the configuration of the layers. Depending on whether one seeks the overall response or its criticality (e.g. instability or breakdown), the length scale hierarchy may not be the same.
This symposium invites contributions that address the behavior of heterogeneous multilayered media by multiscale modeling concepts. Analytical, computational and experimental works that advance our understanding of this behavior, such as the underlying mechanisms of inter-layer interfaces, are welcome, while purely empirical methodologies are discouraged.
The media in the symposium include but are not limited to
- Nanostructured and architectured layer materials
- Polymer,metal and ceramic matrix laminated composite materials
- Functional layered materials
- Traditional metals such as pearlite steels with layered-ferrite and cementites
- Natural or Nature-inspired layered materials
Invited speakers
- "Amelogenesis: Nature’s 3D printing system for multi-scale laminates"
- By Brian Cox, Arachne Consulting Inc.
- "A-DiSC (Adaptive Discrete-Smeared Crack) Model for Multi-Scale Progressive Damage Analysis of Composite Structures"
- By Tay Tong Earn, National University of Singapore, Singapore
- "Fundamentals of Generalized Particle (GP) Multiscale Methods with Applications to Analyses of Alternatively-Arranged Soft and Hard Layers"
- By Jinghong Fan, Alfred University, USA
- "Simulation-based Design of Bioinspired Impact-resistant Nanocellulose Films with Bouligand Microstructure"
- By Sinan Keten, Northwestern Univ., USA
- "Validation of analytical models for ply cracking of general symmetric composite laminates"
- By Tomonaga Okabe, Tohoku University, Japan
- "A multiscale failure analysis for layered composites with statistical account of manufacturing defects"
- By Ramesh Talreja, Texas A&M University, USA
- "Multiscale Modeling of Fiber Reinforced Materials for Future Aerospace Structures"
- By Anthony Waas, University of Washington, USA
- "Two-way coupled modeling of lithium diffusion and diffusion induced finite elastoplastic bending of bilayer electrodes in lithium-ion batteries"
- By Junqian Zhang, Shanghai University, China